1) Guías y listados de especies:
—BÁEZ, J., C. Rodríguez-Cabello, R. Bañón, A. Brito, J. Falcón, T. Maño, J. Baro, D. Macías, M. Meléndez, J. Camiñas, A. Arias-García, J. Gil, C. Farías, I. Artexe, F. Sánchez (2019). Updating the national checklist of marine fishes in Spanish waters: An approach to priority hotspots and lessons for conservacion. Mediterranean Marine Science, 20(2), 260-270.
—BAÑÓN, Rafael, D. Villegas-Ríos, A. Serrano, G. Mucientes & J. C. Arronte (2010). Marine fishes from Galicia (NW Spain): An updated checklist. Zootaxa, 2667, pp. 1-27.
—BAÑÓN, Rafael, J. C. Arronte, Cristina Rodríguez-Cabello, Carmen Gloria Piñeiro, Antonio Punzón & Alberto Serrano (2016). Commented checklist of marine fishes from the Galicia Bank seamount (NW Spain). Zootaxa, 4067 (3), 293-333.
—BAÑÓN, Rafael & Toño Maño (2022). Revisión taxonómica de la ictiología marina de Galicia: Clases Cephalaspidomorphi y Elasmobranchi. Nova Acta Científica Compostelana, 29.
—BARRULL, Joan, Isabel Mate (2002). Tiburones del Mediterráneo. Llibreria El Set-ciènces, Arenys de Mar.
—BOLÍVAR, Ignacio (1907). Indicación de algunos peces notables de La Coruña. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. VII, pp. 206-209.
—CASTRO, José Ignacio (2011). The Sharks of North America. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
—COMPAGNO, Leonard J. V. et al. (2005). Guía de campo de los tiburones del mundo. Omega, Barcelona.
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—CORNIDE, José Andrés (1788). Ensayo de una historia de los peces y otras producciones marinas de la costa de Galicia, arreglado al sistema del caballero Cárlos Linneo. Oficina de Benito Cano, Madrid.
—De MADDALENA, Alessandro, Vincent Maliet & Harald Baensch (2015). Requins de Méditerranée: Histoires et études de 50 espèces. Turtle prod. Édition, Hyéres-les-Palmiers.
—EBERT, David A., Sarah Fowler, Leonard Compagno, Marc Dando (2013). Sharks of the World: A Fully Illustrated Guide. Wild Nature Press, Plymouth.
—EBERT, David A., Marc Dando (2021). Field Guide to Sharks, Rays & Chimaeras of Europe and the Mediterranean. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
—EBERT, David A., Marc Dando & Sarah Fowler (2021). Sharks of the World: A Complete Guide. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
—EBERT, David A., Matthias F. W. Stehmann (2013). FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes: Sharks, Batoids and Chimaeras of the North Atlantic. FAO, Roma.
—FERNÁNDEZ DE LA CIGOÑA, Estanislao y Estanislao de Kostka Fernández de la Cigoña (2007). Peixes dos nosos mares e ríos. Editorial AGCE, Vigo.
—FREITAS, Mafalda & Manuel Biscoito (2007). Four chondrithyes new for the archipelago of Madeira and adjacent seamounts (NE Atlantic Ocean). Bocagiana. Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural), No. 221, 31-XII-07.
—GUISANDE GONZÁLEZ, Cástor et al. (2011). Tiburones, rayas, quimeras, lampreas y mixínidos de la costa atlántica de la Península Ibérica y Canarias. Ediciones Díaz de Santos, Madrid.
—IGLÉSIAS, Samuel P. (2013). Chondrichthyans and Cyclostomata from the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (A natural classification based on collection specimens, with DNA barcodes and standardized photographs), Versión provisional 07, 1 de abril de 2013.
—LLORIS, Domingo (2015). Ictiofauna marina: Manual de identificación de los peces marinos de la Península Ibérica y Baleares. Omega, Barcelona.
—LÓPEZ SEOANE, Víctor (1866). Reseña de la historia natural de Galicia. Imprenta de Soto Freire, Lugo.
—MINISTERIO PARA LA TRANSICIÓN ECOLÓGICA Y EL RETO DEMOGRÁFICO. Lista patrón de especies marinas presentes en España, <>
—MAÑO, Toño (2015). Os tiburóns de Galicia. CERNA, nº 74 <>
—MENEZES, Gui, O. Tariche, Mário R. Pinho, Pedro N. Duarte, Ana Fernandes & Maria A. Aboim (2004). Annotated list of fishes caught by the R/V Arquipélago off the Cape Verde archipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 21A:57-71
—MORENO, Juan (1995). Guía de los tiburones de aguas ibéricas, Atlántico Nororiental y Mediterráneo. Pirámide, Madrid.
—MUCIENTES, Gonzalo & Toño Maño (2018). Tiburones presentes en las aguas de Galicia: Notas sobre identificación, estatus y conservación. Investigación. Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología, vol 10, números 19 y 20.
—MUCIENTES, Gonzalo, Nair Vilas-Arrondo, Giulia Secci-Petretto et al. (2023). First Confirmed Record of the Smalltooth Sand Tiger, Odontaspis ferox, in Galicia (NW Spain). Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences.
—PEIRCE, Richard (2011). Sharks in British Seas. Shark Cornwall, Bude, Cornwall [2ª ed.].
—PIÑEIRO, C. G., M. Casas y H. Araújo (2001). Results of Exploratory Deep-sea Fishing Survey in the Galician Bank: Biological Aspects on Some of Seamount-associated Fish (ICES Division IXb). NAFO SCR Doc. 01/146.
—RODRÍGUEZ-CABELLO, C., A. Serrano, R. Bañón, F. Sánchez y M. Pérez (2012). Deep-water chondrichtyan species caught in the Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic). Póster presentado en el XVII congreso del SIEBM.
—RODRÍGUEZ-CABELLO, C., M. Pérez & Rafael Bañón (2014). Ocurrence of Apristurus species in the Galicia Bank Seamount (NE Atlantic). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30: 906-915, doi:10.1111/jai.12480.
—RODRÍGUEZ VILLANUEVA, Xosé Luis et al. (1992). Peixes do mar de Galicia (I). Lampreas, raias e tiburóns. Edicións Xeráis de Galicia, Vigo.
—SOLÓRZANO, Manuel R. et al. (1983). Guía dos peixes de Galicia. Editorial Galaxia, Vigo.
—SOLÓRZANO, Manuel R. et al. (1988). Inventario dos peixes do litoral galego (Pisces: Cyclostomata, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes). Cadernos da Área de Ciencias Biolóxicas (Inventarios). Seminario de Estudos Galegos, Vol IV. Edicións do Castro, O Castro-Sada.
—VOIGHT, Matthias & Dietmar Weber (2011). Field Guide for Sharks of the Genus Carcharhinus. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Munich.
—WEIGMANN, S. (2016). Annotated checklist of the living sharks, batoids and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes) of the world, with a focus on biogeographical diversity. Journal of Fish Biology, doi: 10.1111//jfb.12874.
2) Obras generalistas, manuales y estudios específicos:
—ABEL, Daniel C. & R, Dean Grubbs (2020). Shark Biology and Conservation. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
—ADNET, Sylvain et al. (2010). New fossil teeth of the White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) from the Early Pliocene of Spain. Implication for its paleoecology in the Mediterranean. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 256: 7-16, Stuttgart.
—AKHILESH, K. V. et al. (2010). New distributional records of deep-sea sharks from Indian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 52 (1): 29-34.
—AKHILESH, K. V. et al. (2013). Catch composition, reproductive biology and diet of the bramble shark Echinorhinus brucus (Squaliformes: Echinorhinidae) from ehte south-eastern Arabian Sea. Journal of Fish Biology. DOI: 10.1111/JFB.122.01.
—ANDREOTTI, Sara, Michael Rutzen, Stéfan van der Walt, Sophie Von der Heyden, Romina Henriques, Michael Meÿer, Herman Oosthuizen & Conrad A. Matthee (2016). An integrated mark-recapture and genetic approach to estimate the population size of white sharks in South Africa. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 552: 241-253. doi:10.3354/meps11744.
—ANDREWS, Allen H. & Lisa A. Kerr (2014). Validated age estimates for large white sharks of the northeastern Pacific Ocean: altered perceptions of vertebral growth shed light on complicated bomb C-14 results. Environmental Biology of Fishes, doi: 10.1007/s10641-014-0326-8.
—ARANHA, Ana et al. (2009). Biological aspects of the velvet belly lantern shark, Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758), off the Azores, North East Atlantic. Marine Biology Research, 5:3, pp. 257-267.
—BAÑÓN, Rafael, Toño Maño & Gonzalo Mucientes (2016). Observations of newborn blue sharks Prionace glauca in shallow inshore waters of the north-east Atlantic ocean. Journal of Fish Biology, doi:10.1111/jfb.13082.
—BAÑÓN, Rafael, Toño Maño (2021). Historia del conocimiento ictiológico del mar de Galicia. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 115, 153-173. doi: 10.29077/bol.115.e05.banon
—BAÑÓN, Rafael, Carmen Piñeiro & M. Casas (2006). Biological aspects of deep-water sharks Centroscymnus coelolepis and Centrophorus squamosus in Galician waters (north-western Spain). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 86, pp.843-846.
—BAÑÓN, Rafael, C. Piñeiro y M. Casas (2008). Biological observations on the gulper shark Centrophorus granulosus (Chondrichthyes: Centrophoridae) off the coast of Galicia (north-western Spain, eastern Atlantic). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 88(2), pp. 411-414.
—BEJARANO-ÁLVAREZ, Olga Marcela & Felipe Galván-Magaña (2013). First report of an embryonic dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) with cyclopia and other abnormalities. Marine Biodiversity Records, 6, doi: 10.1017/S1755267212001236.
—BERNAL, Diego, Jeanine M. Donley et al. (2004). Mammal-like muscles power swimming in a cold-water shark. Nature 437, 1359-1352. 27-XI-05.
—BOLDROCCHI, G., J. Kiszka, S. Purkis, T. Storai, L. Zinzula & D. Burkholder (2017). Distribution, ecology, and status of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Mediterranean Sea. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. doi: 10.1007/s11160-017-9470-5.
—BONFIL Ramón S. (1989). An abnormal embryo of the reef shark, Carcharhinus perezi (Poey), from Yucatan, Mexico. Northeast Gulf Science, vo. 10, nº 2, pp. 153-155.
—BOZZANO, Anna (2004). Retinal specialisations in the dogfish Centroscymnus coelolepis from the Mediterranean deep-sea. Scientia Marina, 68 (suplemento 3):185-195.
—BRIGHT, Michael (2002). Sharks. The Natural History Museum, London.
—BURGESS, George H. et al. (2014) A Re-Evaluation of the Size of the White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Population off California (USA). PLoS ONE 9(6): e98078. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0098078.
—CAMHI, Merry D., Ellen K. Pikitch and Elizabeth A. Babcock (Eds.) (2008). Sharks of the Open Ocean: Biology, Fisheries and Conservation. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
—CAMPANA, S. E., W. N. Joyce (2004). Temperature and depth associations of porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) in the northwest Atlantic. Fisheries Oceanography. 13:1, pp. 52-64.
—CAPPO, Michael (1988). Size and Age of the White Pointer Shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus): Was Peter Riseley's White Pointer a World Record? Sawfish 13(1): 11-13.
—CASAS, J. M., C. Piñeiro, Rafael Bañón (2001). Maturity and other biological aspects of main deep-water squaloid sharks in the north and north-west of the Iberian Peninsula (ICES Divisions VIIIc, IXa and IXb). NAFO SCR. Doc 01/121. Serial no. N 4509.
—CASTILLO, R., M. Freitas, G. Silva, J. Fernández-Carvalho & R. Coelho (2007). Morphological and mitochondrial DNA divergence validates blackmouth, Galeus melastomus, and Atlantic sawtail catsharks, Galeus atlanticus, as separate species. Journal of Fish Biology, 70, supplement C, 346-358, doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01455.x.
—CASTRO, Peter, Michael E. Huber (2007). Biología Marina. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España S.A.U., Madrid. [6ª ed.]
—CAWARDINE, Mark (2004). Shark. BBC Books, London.
—CHABOT, C. L. (2015). Microsatellite loci confirm a lack of population connectivity among globally distribution populations of the tope shark Galeorhinus galeus (Triakidae). Journal of Fish Biology, doi: 10.1111/jfb.12727.
—CHAPPLE, Taylor K. et al. (2011). A first estimate of white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, abundance off Central California. Biology Letters, 7: 581-583. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0124.
—CHRISTIANSEN, Header M., Victor Lin, Sho Tanaka, Anatoly Velikanov, Henry F. Mollet, Sabine P. Wintner, Sonja V. Fordham, Aaron T. Fisk & Nigel E. Hussey (2014). The Last Frontier: Catch Records of White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. PLoS ONE 9(4): e94407. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094407.
—CLAES, Julien M. & Jérôme Mallefet (2010). The lantern shark's light switch: turning shallow water crypsis into midwater camouflage. Biology Letters, 6, 685-687, doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0167.
—CLAES, Julien M. & Jérôme Mallefet (2011). Control of luminiscence from lantern shark (Etmopterus spinax) photophores. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 4:3. 251-253, doi: 10.4161/cib.4.3.14888.
—CLAES, Julien M., H. C. Ho & Jérôme Mallefet (2012). Control of luminiscence from pygmy shark (Squaliolus aliae) photophores. Journal of Experimental Biology, 215, 1691-1699, doi: 10.1212/jeb.066704.
—CLAES, Julien M., Jenny Krönström, Susanne Holmgren, Jérôme Mallefet (2010). Nitric oxide in the control of luminiscence from lantern shark (Etmopterus spinax) photophores. Journal of Experimental Biology 213, 3005-3011, doi: 10.1242/jeb.040410.
—CLIFF, G., L. J. V. Compagno, M. J. Smale, R. P. van der Elst & S. P. Wintner (2000). First records of white sharks, Carcharodon cacharias, from Mauritius, Zanzibar, Madagascar and Kenya. South African Journal of Science, 96: 365-367.
—CLÒ, S., M. Dalù, R. Danovaro, M. Vacchi (2002). Segregation of the Mediterranean Population of Centroscymnus coelolepis (Condrichthyes: Squalidae): A Description and Survey. NAFO Scientific Council Research. Serial nº 4702.
—COELHO, Rui & Karim Erzini (2006). On the occurrence of the arrowhead dogfish, Deania profundorum (Chondrichthyes: Squalidae), off Southern Portugal, with a missing gill slit. Cybium, 30(1): 93-96
—COELHO, Rui & Karim Erzini (2008). Life history of a wide-ranging deep water lantern shark in the north-east Atlantic, Etmopterus spinax (Chondricthyes: Etmopteridae), with implications for conservation. Journal of Fish Biology, 73, 1410-1430.
—COELHO, Rui, Domingo Lloris, Bernard Séret & Luis Gil de Sola (2010). Distribution pattern of Galeus atlanticus in the Alborán Sea (south western Mediterranean) and some sexual character comparison with Galeus melastomus. Marine Biology Research, doi: 10.1080/17451000903042487.
—COMPAGNO, L. J. V. (1990). Relationships of the Megamouth Shark, Megachasma pelagios (Lamniformes: Megachasmidae), with Comments of Its Feeding Habits, en Elasmobranchs as Living Resources: Advances in the Biology, Ecology, Systematics, and the Status of the Fisheries (Harold L. Pratt, Jr., Samuel H. Gruber & Toru Taniuchi, eds.). NOAA Technical Report NMFS 90, 357-379.
—COTTON, Charles F., R. Dean Grubbs, Jan E. Dyb, Inge Fossen, John A. Musick (2014). Reproduction and embryonic development in two species of squaliform sharks, Centrophorus granulosus and Etmopterus princeps: Evidence of matrotrophy?. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.10.009.
——CROWE, L. M., O. O'Brien, T. H. Curtis, S. M. Leiter, R. D. Kenney, P. Duley & S. D. Kraus (2018). Characterization of large basking shark Cetorhinus maximus aggregations in the Western North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology, 92. 1371-1384.
—DE LA TORRIENTE, Ana, A. Serrano, María Druet, María Gómez-Ballesteros, Juan Acosta, Santiago Parra, et al. (2014). Banco de Galicia. Áreas de estudio del proyecto LIFE+INDEMARES. Proyecto LIFE+INDEMARES. Ed. Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente.
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—DE MADDALENA, Alessandro (2014). Biologia dello squalo biancho. Milan: Magenes Editoriale.
—DE MADDALENA, Alessandro, Olivier Glaizot & Guy Oliver (2003). On the Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758), preserved in the Museum of Zoology in Lausanne. Marine Life, nº 13 (1-2): 53-59.
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—DE MADDALENA, Alessandro, Marco Zuffa, Lovrenc Lipej & Antonio Celona (2001). An analysis of the photographic evidences of the largest great white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758), captured in the Mediterranean sea with considerations about the maximum size of the species. Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 11, 2 (25): 193-206.
—DOMEIER, Michael L. (Ed.) (2012). Global Perspectives on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark. Roca Ratón, Fl: CRC Press.
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—EHRET, Dana J., Gordon Hubbell & Bruce J. MacFadden (2009). Exceptional Preservation of the White Shark Carcharodon (Lamniformes: Lamnidae) from the Early Pliocene of Peru. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29(1), pp. 1-13.
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—EILPERIN, Juliet (2011). Demon Fish: Travels Through the Hidden World of Sharks. Pantheon Books, New York.
—ERYILMAZ, Lütfiye, Emre Yemisken & Cem Dalyan (2011). The First Documented Record of Genus Mustelus (Chondrichthyes: Triakidae) in the Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 11: 157-160. DOI: 10.4194/trjfas.2011.0120.
—FAHMI & Dharmadi (2012). First confirmed record of the white shark Carcharodon carcharias (Lamniformes: Lamnidae) from Indonesia. Marine Biodiversity Records 7, e53. doi:10.1057/S1755267214000414.
—FARRELL, D., S. Mariani & M. W. Clarke (2010). Reproductive biology of the starry smooth-hound shark Mustelus asterias: geographic variation and implications for sustainable exploitation. Journal of Fish Biology, 77(7):1505-25. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02771.x.
—FIGUEIREDO, I.,., T. Moura. A. Neves & L. S. Gordo (2008). Reproductive strategy of leafscale gulper shark Centrophorus squamosus and the Portuguese dogfish Centroscymnus coelolepis on the Portuguese continental slope. Journal of Fish Biology, 73: 206-225. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2008.01927.x
—FLAMMANG, Brooke E., David A. Ebert & Gregor M. Caillet (2007). Egg cases of the genus Apristurus (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae): Phylogenetic and ecological implications. Zoology 110 (4), pp. 308-317. doi: 10.1016/j.zool.2007.03.001.
—FUSS, Theodora & Vera Schluessel (2015). Visual discrimination in sharks. Animal Cognition, 18: 463-471, doi:10.1007/s10071-014-0815-3.
—GORE, Mauvis A., David Rowat et al. (2008). Transatlantic migration and deep mid-ocean diving by basking shark. Biology Letters, vol. 4, nº 4, pp. 395-398.
—GRACE, Mark A., Michael H. Doosey, Henry L. Bart & Gavin J. P. Naylor (2015). First record of Mollisquama sp. (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Dalatiidae) from the Gulf of Mexico, with a morphological comparison to the holotype description of Mollisquama parini Dolganov. Zootaxa, 3948 (3): 587-600. Doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3948.3.10
—GUBILI, Chrysoula, Rasit Bilgin, S. Ünsal Karhan, David W. Sims, Hakan Kabasakal, Andrew P. Martin & Leslie R. Noble (2010). Antipodean white sharks on a Mediterranean walkabout? Historical dispersal leads to genetic discontinuity and an endangered anomalous population. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
—HAMADY, Li Ling, Lisa J. Natanson, Gregory B. Skomal, Simon R. Thorrold (2014). Vertebral Bomb Radiocarbon Suggests Extreme Longevity in White Sharks. PLoS ONE 9(1): e84006. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084006.
—HOYOS PADILLA, Mauricio (2017). El gran tiburón blanco: Protector de los océanos. Publicación especial #3, Alianza WWF-Fundación Telmex Telcel.
—HUBER, Daniel R. et al. (2013). Mechanical properties of sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) vertebrae in relation to spinal deformity. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216, 4256-4263, doi: 10.1242/jeb.08753.
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—LEA, James S. E. et al. (2015). Repeated, long-distance migrations by a philopatric predator targetting highly contrasting ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 5: 11202. doi: 10.1038/srep11202.
—LEONE, Agostino, Gregory N. Puncher et al. (2020). Pliocene colonization of the Mediterranean by Great White Shark inferred from fossil records, historical jaws, phylogeographic and divergence time analyses. Journal of Biogeography, 00: 1-11. doi: 10.1111/jbi.13794
—MAIA, Anabela & Cheryl D. Winga (2013). Anatomy and Muscle Activity of the Dorsal Fins in Bamboo Sharks and Spiny Dogfish During Turning Maneuvers. Journal of Morphology, vol 274, 11, doi: 10.1002/jmor.20179.
—MAIA, Anabela, Cheryl D. Wilga & George V. Lauder (2012). Biomechanics of Locomotion in Sharks, Rays, and Chimaeras. Biology of Sharks and their Relatives (Jeffrey C. Carrier, John A. Musick & Michael R. Heithaus, Eds.), CRC Press, Boca Ratón [2nd edition].
—MALCOLM, H., B. D. Bruce & John D. Stevens (2001). A review of the biology and status of white sharks in Australian waters. CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart.
—MALIET, Vincent, Christian Reynaud & Christian Capapé (2013). Occurrence of great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Elasmobranchii: Lamniformes: Lamnidae), off Corsica (Northern Mediterranean): Historical and contemporary records. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 43(4): 323-326. doi: 10.3750/AIP2013.43.4.11
—MARTIN, R. Aidan, Neil Hammerschlag, Ralph S. Collier & Chris Fallows (2005). Predatory behaviour of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) at Seal Island, South Africa. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 85, 1121-1135.
—MAY, Cameron, Lauren Meyer, Sasha Whitmarsh & Charlie Huveneers (2919). Eyes on the size: accuracy of visual length estimates of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias. Royal Society Open Science 6: 190456.
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